The Gregg Shorthand� Fight Against Breast Cancer Pin
Best Breast Health



I have always adhered to the philosophy that one should speak and show the truth, because knowledge leads to free will, to choice. If we keep quiet about what cancer does to women's bodies, if we refuse to accept women's bodies in whatever condition they are in, we are doing a disservice to womankind. �Matuschka

The August 15, 1993 NYT cover story by Susan Ferraro, "The Anguished Politics of Breast Cancer," talks about the history of breast cancer activism and the goals of current activist organizations and members. It also provides some useful statistics and a relatively realistic perspective on breast cancer detection and treatment. 

Matuschka explains the NYT photo in her article "Why I did It"
which originally appeared in Glamour Magazine, November 1993

Her art work is available by mail order- posters, postcards original 
prints and book may be ordered directly from the artist. 
Portions of  proceeds benefit breast cancer prevention trials and studies.

Matuschka Website link: Please go to:

"I am no longer afraid of mirrors where I see the sign of the amazon, 
the one who shoots arrows..."  --Deena Metzger

Deena Metzger

This Breast Cancer Warrior Poster also known as Tree Poster is available through 
Donnelly/Colt Catalog 202 Station Rd., Hampton, CT 06247. Fax 800-553-0006; voice 860 455-9621. 

The Warrior, An Homage to Deena Metzger
Charles Sherman

Self-photo of a tattoo applied by Juli Moon, Seabrook, NH to a mastectomy scar. This tattoo was my answer to dealing with the scar I have after a mastectomy. This tattoo was inspired by Deena Metzger. It is a tattoo of pressed flowers which Moon hand drew and then tattooed. I am a two-time, survivor of breast cancer. Doctors love the solution to my scar.--Rhea



Rhea, one of Saturn's many moonsI'll Give You The Moon Designs

Rhea Côté Robbins