Poetry and Songs by Ida Bourgoin Roy, Ste-Agathe, ME |
Par un
dimanche au soir
Par un dimache au soir
J'e lui y e dit la belle
Si tu voix ma soeur (Bis)
La belle se leva
Elle s jetta sur lui
Je ne sais pas
qui a compossed
par IDA
I come from en-bas de quebec
I come from the flat mountain sec'
My father has the big gross muscles
Me manage lots of feves au lard
I've got un cavalier pr chez-nous
He comes for me every soir !
this i don't know where it come from. it sem
that I am the only one excEPT
Comme vous voyez je suis timide
Car toute -a-coup je me decide
Il y a deux ans j'allais voir Rose
Comme vous savez tout garcons sage
On portent l'enfant a l'egliesse!
Il faut aller regler l'affaire
On poryent l'enfant a sa Mere
Bien p;us souvent que l'homme propose
C'est chanson et vrais
on la pas le nom de lui qui la faite
comme vou voyent
envoiyait aIDA
The Closing of Loring AFB It make no difference now With the budget cuts, even on the line of duty We will have to go BOYS Refrain : Glory, Glory, Alleluia Glory, Glory Alleluia Glory, Glory , Alleluia The Pine Tree State of Maine
Lets go home BOYS They don't need us anymore They need us somewhere else We will have to go BOYS Refrain:The Closing of Loring AFB
It make no difference now With the budget cuts, even on the line of duty We will have to go BOYS Refrain : Glory, Glory, Alleluia Glory, Glory Alleluia Glory, Glory , Alleluia The Pine Tree State of Maine
Lets go home BOYS They don't need us anymore They need us somewhere else We will have to go BOYS Refrain: So many days, so many nights So many miles, we have to move on Let's pack our gear and go We will have to go BOYS
We shed our tears, and gave all our strength Lets follow the orders This is our command, we have to move on BOYS
Yes SIR we will follow your orders Yes SIR, we will pack and go Yes SIR, we will follow our COMMANDER We have to go Boys Refrain: Glory, Glory Alleluia Glory, Glory Alleluia Glory, Glory Alleluia The Pine Tree State Of Maine.
Composed by: Ida Roy Van Buren, Maine
June 7. 1991
THE OTHER DREAM OF MY MOTHER This dream of my mother, that I had last summer, I remember like it was only yesterday, She was wearing a long ankle grey dress, Her dress was very straight, She seemed like she was living in a convent, she was waiting for me, like that she knew that I was going there. The way it happened..... I got in a truck with Sylvio, he was driving so bad, The truck started to go backward, then foreword, I didn't like the way he was driving, I was scared, I wanted to get off. With the truck, he came to a ramp, it had green rug, there was a railing on one side, so we would not fall down below, He left the truck somewhere, I don't know where. And we didn't see the truck after that, and then we were both on foot, not talking to each other, We were heading in the same direction. The ramp was joined to a big building, it looked like it was a convent. After the ramp there was a stair, but we didn't go very far. At the foot of the stair, my mother was waiting for me and Sylvio. She looked like that she was living there, At the foot of the stair, she looked at me like she was living there, I wasn't looking for anything, I just happened to be there. Then I said to my mother, I wanted to go back with Sylvio, I turned and he wasn't there anymore. As I was looking down below the ramp and the stair, I saw an animal at that time, it looked like it was a big lion or a bear. I know if I would have talked to it, they would have come running after me. Just then my mother came toward me and passed
me and she was running so
she looked at me and wasn't talking, it looked like she wanted to tell me, follow me! She didn't lose time, she was running so fast. I started to run too, on the ramp behind her, but she was far ahead of me, like she didn't want me too cling to her. A tunnel was joined at the ram, I was scared and also my mother seemed to be scared, it was dark at the end of the tunnel, I could see a clearing at the end, she ran outside and brought me to a lighted green field, There was Sylvio, Brenda and my sister Irene, They were picking strawberries. Just as I turned tell my mother, THANK YOU, She was gone back in the tunnel. I woke up, but I felt so happy that I saw my mother one more time, there in my bed, remembering my dream, it felt good to see her just like I was awake..
"Now I heard many of stories about going in a tunnel, people say that when a person comes near death we go in a tunnel, and then if we come out of it, they say it means that we are not ready. We come back!" Composed by Ida
Bourgoin Roy in 1998
Tu droit etre fier de moi!
Je sais que tu avais envoyer
Je croiz j'ai faite qeulque chose de bien
Trent-ans est bien longtemps
Tu nous a laissee seul
Sa doit avoir etre dur
C'ette poesie a ete faite pour le treppasser
Composser par Ida
Bourgoin Roy