Chronology of the Conventions of the Fédération Féminine Franco-Américaine

Timeline taken from the “History and Mission of the Fédération Féminine Franco-Américaine (1951-1991) by Charlotte Bordes LeBlanc found in Steeples and Smokestacks edited by Claire Quintal 

1951 Foundation at the second Convention of the Comité d'orientation franco-américaine, Lewiston, Maine

1953  First Convention, Worcester, Mass.

1954  Second Convention, Thème:  La femme dans le mouvement de la vie française [Woman in the French Life Movement], Manchester, NH

1956  Third convention, Thème:  Éducation franco-américaine [Franco-American education], Springfield, Mass

1958  Fourth Convention, Thème:  Action féminine franco-américaine [The Action of Franco-American Women], Waterbury, Conn.

1960  Fifth Convention, Thème:  Collaboration à la vie franco-américaine [Collaboration in Franco-American Life], New Bedford, Mass.

1962  Tenth Anniversary, Sixth Convention, Thème:  Convaincre et agir pour notre refrancisation [To Convince and to Act in favor of Refrancisation], Québec, Québec

1965  Seventh Convention, Thème:  Le français dans la famille, à l'école, chez les jeunes [French language for the Young in the Home and at School], Boston, Mass.

1967  Eighth Convention, Thème: L'enseignement du français dans les écoles paroissailes et publiques [The Teaching of French in Parochial and Public Schools], Lewiston, Maine

1969  Ninth Convention, Thème:  Le rôle de la "Fédé" dans l'éducation [The Role of the “Fédé” in Education], New York, NY

1971 Twentieth Anniversary, Tenth Convention, Thème: Renaissance du français au 20e siècle [The Renaissance of French in the 20th Century], Montréal, Québec

1973  Eleventh Convention, Thème:  Culture vivante [Living Culture], Québec, Québec

1975  Twelfth Convention, Thème:  La Femme, son épanouissement et son action social [Woman, her Personal Growth and her Social Action], Newport, RI

1977  Twenty-fifth Anniversary, Thirteenth Convention, Thème:  Vingt-cinq années d'action [Twenty-Five Years of Action], Boston, Mass.

1979  Fourteenth Convention held jointly with that of the AFA [1980-1987], Thème:  La femme franco-américaine: son rôle, ses droits et ses responsabilités vis-à-vis du bilinguisme et du biculturalism dans notre société [ The Franco-American Woman: her Role, her Rights and her Responsibilities vis-à-vis Bilingualism and Biculturalism in our Society], Providence, RI

1981  Thirtieth Anniversary, Fifteenth Convention, Thème:  Trente années de volontariat [thirty Years of Volunteerism], new Britain, Conn.

1984  Sixteenth convention, Thème:  la femme francophone aux États-Unis [The Francophone Woman in the United States], Nashua, NH

1986  Thirty-fifth Anniversary, Seventeenth Convention, Thème:  La Franco-Américaine: son action contemporaine [The Franco-American Woman in the Field of Social Services], Springfield, Mass.

1988  Eighteenth Convention, Thème:  La Franco-Américaine dans les services sociaux [The Franco-American Woman in the Field of Social Services], Newport, RI

1991  Fortieth Anniversary, Nineteenth Convention, Thème:  Histoire et mission de la F.F.F.-A [History and Mission of the F.F.F.-A], Worcester, Mass.

Timeline taken from History and Mission of the Fédération Féminine Franco-Américaine (1951-1991) by Charlotte Bordes LeBlanc found in Steeples and Smokestacks edited by Claire Quintal and can be purchased at or your local bookstore.

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