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Great Links for French Culture & Language Teachers Page Four Links, Links, Links... Here's a website with I LOVE YOU in many languages:
Q: We're doing storyboards in my Exploratory French class. What is the French equivalent for "ha, ha" (someone laughing) Thanks. R: "hi hi hi", c'est vraiment drole! Pete, Ulli and Ruth are pleased to announce the launch of their new Valentines Day fun and games page for the French, German and Spanish class. Here you will find: multiple choices, crossword puzzzles, word matches, cloze exercises, sentence scrambles, magic sentences, the five friends and word searches as well as a Valentines internet treasure hunt in all three languages. And a page with close to 80 Valentine Day links in French, Spanish and English. The address of our page is: We hope that these activities will be of use to you and your students. Best wishes, Pete Jones - Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Humour Wall I'm thinking of making a display of some of the jokes
and cartoons I have gathered to brighten the corridor outside my room.
I'd like to do a poster with quotes from as many languages as possible.
For English I have 'Many a true word spoken in jest' and for German 'Mann
kann auch lachend ernsthaft sein.' But my mind has gone blank for French
and Spanish. Any ideas? I'd welcome ones from other languages too, if you
can give me a translation.
Museum of perception/online-exhibits/Spanish, Italian, French, English The Exploratorium, a museum of art and perception, has interesting illusions and activities in four languagues at the following address:
Jumpstarting I'm not sure about a jumpstart, but here's what I'm doing
tomorrow: a MadLib.
New Years Resolutions!
1. I will _ (verb)___ to ____(city)___.
Then, I ask them to use these and write some resolutions for me, OR I use the wonderful idea I got on this list (if I haven't already) and pass around a bowl of M&M's (Smarties) and have them take a handful....and then they owe me that many sentences in whatever tense (or on whatever topic) we happened to be on before break. Hope this idea appeals to some of you!
Standards Now that several people are talking about standards again, I get to gloat a bit, and remind all of those who have forgotten, that TFLTA and Globe-Gate have teamed up to bring you a virtual library (better than any physical collection) of national, regional, state and municipal standards and curriculum frameworks documents. These are at the top of TFLTA PROFESSIONAL RESOURCE CENTER
which also includes a link to another important set of professional documents: The Interagency Language Roundtable Scale
sporting connections to the ACTFL scales, General Second
Official Language Qualifications (Public Servce Commission of Canada
guidelines), and the FRAMEWORK of the Association of Language Testers in
French Grammar Central I weeded around 15 or 20 lead links (all from one source) out of our grammar site, and I put in a number of interactive exercises and grammar topic descriptions. There are now 305 grammar links, and the page is a regular grammar encyclopedia: French Grammar Central
And more from Bob Peckham: TF1 France livecam - index
nooSFere - LEncyclopedie francophone de la science -fiction
Ecyclopedie Collective Informatisee Multimedia (ECIM)
La papyrologie et l'lectronique
Le Code Napoleon - La femme placee sous tutelle
Minitel Multimedia
La Bourse de Paris
Caisse des Depots (France)
le chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte
Petite histoire de lalimentation -4- le moyen age (Mots et Mets n 5)
LA CUISINE AU MOYEN AGE (modernized text from pp. 32-34 of the Viandier)
Extrait du Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris
Recettes medievales
Le Menagier De Paris (Food and cookerie)
Les regions du Quebec
Les Regions administraves du Quebec
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
Programme Flaubert (ENS Paris)
Gustave Flaubert (1821- 1880) [biographie en fichier audio]
Poetique et genetique de l'espace Herodias de Flaubert (these de doctorat
Cegeps du Quebec - Le repertoire et coordonnees des Cegeps au Quebec
La Federation des Cageps du Quebec
Les Jardins du Quebec (map presentation)
Les rectifications de l'orthographe (1990)
Enseignement du franais (ecole)
Guide pour parents d'enfants hyperactifs
Thesaurus Personne handicapee
YAHOO! France - Enseignement specialise
Association Quebecoise pour les troubles d'apprentissage
La Casbah Alger
Gouvernrat du Grand Alger
Information pratique sur la Guadeloupe
Saint Claude Guadeloupe (Tourisme en France)
Tourisme Rimouski
FNAC Marseille
Bruxelles Online
Ajaccio, Corse
Savigny-sur-Orge (site officiel)
Bruxelles Online
Tourisme Rimouski
CCF-EURO entreprises
Lexique des sigles de la formation et de l'emploi
Lexique de la formation
Le Pont de Normandie
Tristan et Iseul (the end)
Tristan et Iseul - Les premiers paragraphes du roman
Gerald Seaman, "Literature and the Middle Time" (French medieval
Chretien de Troyes' Arthurian Romances
J'accuse, Emile ZOLA
Activites de franais (vocabulaire)
Activites ludiques et communicatives pour l'etude de la langue
Evaluation des principaux dommages des monuments en France
France Art de vivre
conditional (with an irregular stem chart)
simple future: regular
simple future: irregular
futur anterieur
futur proche
Lingu@web French
Les 35 heures mises au Net
Site dhistoire medievale
Collectania : LE site du mobilier contemporain
Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales (tables of contents)
L'Homme - Revue franaise d'anthropologie
Brown University French Graduate Reading list
French 307
French 310
Plan de la ville de Montigny le Bretonneau
Conseil National des Economies Regionales
Atlas agricole du Quebec
Entreprises, Territoires et Developpement
Label France, No. 37, 10/99 (Les Femmes en France aujourd'hui) - Reseau national des Centres d'information sur les
Admifrance (annuaries des sites gouvernementaux)
Velo Quebec There are nearly 3000 km of this bike route in Quebec, permitting extensive
cyclotourism. The group should decide on either rental in Quebec
or transport of bikes to Quebec. They should decide on a departure
city, and if not a question of a round trip, they should decide on how
to get bikes back to the point of departure. The route should have
a town or stop density to permit a short immersion in each municipal culture.
The group could study each town on the web, study bicycle and travel vocabulary,
and take a pledge to speak only French. Upon entering each town,
groups of students would go out to search for something they had studied
before the trip and each student would be responsible for reporting in would be on the test, and each student would have to
keep a French journal (perhaps with photos). Among the things they could
write about: information to supplement the web sites, how the places they
visited were like or different from what they saw on the web sites, the
human dimension (residents they spoke with), the biking portion of the
trip (hardships, joys), ...
The trip I sketched out using a portion of Quebec's route verte is not a language survival trip. It has some of the same control mechanisms you would find in the classroom. First of all, You should only take fit students. The only thing about the cycling to be remembered should be the enjoyment of the exercise. Second, you chose students with decent language skills, train them hard with bicycle vocabulary (perhaps several short immersion trips in close formation in the states. You study all the towns you will pass through or near meticulously on the net. Each group of students has an assignment particular to the knowledge about each town gained before the trip. The goals in the encounter with each town are to use your French in confirming and going beyond this knowledge. One of the end products of the trip would be to make an annotated web itinerary of the trip, using graphics, linking in town web sites, with an addition link to notes the class made about the town. Another might be to make up ficticious tall tales in French about the adventure. The trip would need attentive teacher supervision, plus parents who speak French. Before students go, they could study bike saftey. Maybe they should become steady readers of Velo Quebec
Here is the address again La Route Verte (Velo-Quebec)
From TBob Peckham
Le francais des affaires
Action Sante
Challenges - Quotidien
Air Outre Mer (AOM)
Air Liberte
Association pour l'emploi des cadres (APEC)
YAHOO! France - biologie
YAHOO! France - geographie
YAHOO! France - Psychologie
YAHOO! France - Enseignement et formation
YAHOO! France - Commerce et economie
Association des Transporteurs Europeens
CIF - Annuaire (agents de fret, groupeurs, transporteurs...)
Web Transport
Studying Psychology in France (en francais)
VTT lexique
PlanetsSport Vtt - lexique
Velo Quebec
Cybevasion - Hotels, Paris
Le Parchemin
Paul Bocuse
Bernard de Ventadorn
Bocuse d'Or
LAn 2000 - site officiel pour la celebration du 3ieme millinaire
TBob Bob Peckham
More links to be added, and if you have some links you would like to share, please send them along to page compiler. Merci en avance! Many links courtesy of the owner-flteach@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU Page compiled by Rhea Côté
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