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Great Links for French Culture & Language Teachers Page Three Links, Links, Links... Women Artists in Canada/Les femmes artistes au Canada: and
COMMERCIAL FRENCH, ANYONE? I teach commercial French at UTMartin and, while I am both contemplating a course next semester on the professions and at the same time trying to reconstruct the "French lessons from Everywhere", I have gathered an unbeatable collection of commercial French courses and lessons. I garauuuuteee you, you'll never run out of material with these: TBob Heather M. Relihan, "TEACHING COMMERCIAL FRENCH TRANSLATION"
Le Francais des affaires et des professions au Quebec et en Amerique
AATF Commission on French for Business and Economic Purposes
French 3053, Business French (UTSA)
Parlons affaires - initiation au francais economique et commercial (site
Business French Web-enhanced (University of WisconsinMadison)
Business French (Roxanne Lalande)
Business French (Elizabeth Martin, Fr. 319, 321, 385, 386)
Le Francais des Affaires 3104
Center for International Business Studies - Beginning Business French
Don't forget that Globe-Gate also hosts Francophone Business News @ Globe-Gate
Cyberferme @ Globe-Gate (agrobusiness)
Francophone Banking and Financial Resources
French Business, Economics and Finance Dictionaries
This and an internship will do ya. TBob Bob Peckham
Food Activities If you want to have a project with the kids that also integrates some
technology, there is a site that I use frequently with my 7th Grade Exploratory
class. It is on the Culturequest site, and it is easy to keep them contained
onto useful Internet information.
Why not : Ask them what their favourite foods are, and what they usually eat at
home. Get them to check where the food-stuffs and recipes come from originally.
Are any of them connected with France?
Get hold of a French restaurant menu. Try, for example :
Look for recipes on the Web - try Bocuse on a search engine - and see if you can find any for the menu that you have chosen. You could also see if there's anything on Acadian food, which is reputed to be delicious.
Here is a site where I have many links to French music.
Marge Mandl
French vocabulary for Sports? Hello, does anyone know of some good sites with some basic French vocabulary for Sports? Looking for names of sports, links to French Sports news etc. Try the "Terrain des Sports" du quartier français
More links to be added, and if you have some links you would like to share, please send them along to page compiler. Merci en avance! Many links courtesy of the owner-flteach@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU Page compiled by Rhea Côté
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