C’est moi

I lost my language
A generation or two ago
You can still hear in my speech though
If you really listen

My father has a little accent but did
Not want us to suffer
So he would not teach us
I think it was something else

He never finished high school
in two languages he was fluent
He could spell better than Ma
who spoke only English

Sometimes she would tell him to
go back to Bouctouche
that was when even she
was angry with his French

I have been on a journey
To possess my culture
Despite my current state
I am loud to me it is grand

--Pamela Morneault Gemme

My name is Pamela Morneault Gemme. I was born and raised in Gardner Massachusetts where I heard French spoken all my childhood. My French heritage goes back to the 1600's in Quebec. I wish to thank you for a truly liberating experience in reading literature and for having a place to be me. C'est Moi
